Tuesday, August 6, 2019

How You Plan to Collect Data on Customers Essay Example for Free

How You Plan to Collect Data on Customers Essay How you plan to collect data on customers, competitors and the market environment and why you think this will be useful. How do you propose to use this market research to understand the behaviour of customers, competitors and the market environment? Market research is a crucial factor to do for any organisation in order to make their business successful. In the case of STUDENTAL, it is a new product from Sainsbury’s. Therefore, Sainsbury’s have to do all the market research on customers, competitors and on market environment in point of fact. For this task, I have to collect data on customers, competitors and the market environment. To collect data on customers I am going to prepare some questionnaires and ask Customers questions regarding STUDENTAL. This will help me to get the true analysis from customers straight away. This will be more accurate than information collecting from other sources like internet and magazine. I have included a variety of questions to the questionnaire and I am sure that this will help me in understanding behaviour of customers towards energy drinks. In addition, I am also going to observe customers by going in to Sainsbury’s and other supermarkets. I will observe their buying attitudes towards energy drinks. This will help me to make suggestions to the future developments of STUDENTAL. Through observing and asking questions to customers, we will be able to analyse their likes, dislikes and attitudes towards energy drinks. We will able to apply this information to the STUDENTAL. To collect data on competitors, I am going to do a research on internet. There are many competitors for STUDENTAL. This includes the bigger brands like, Lucozade, Red Bull, Boost and Power Ade. I will check for the price and product descriptions of the competing products. Through this, we will be able to understand the similarities and non-similarities of STUDENTAL and other products. Internet research will be useful to identify similar drinks sold by ASDA and Tesco. This will help Sainsbury’s to make any further changes to the product to compete effectively with other supermarkets. Another useful method of collecting information on competitors will be doing a SWOT analysis, Boston Matrix and Product Life Cycle. SWOT analysis will be able to find out STUDENTAL’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. With the help of Boston Matrix, we will be able to understand and recognize the competing brands. To collect data on market environment, I am going to do a research on the packaging of STUDENTAL’s competitors. Using a PESTE-G will also help to find the necessary information on market environment. PESTE-G focuses on Political, Economical, Social, Technological and Green Issues. By doing a PESTE-G analysis, I will be able to understand all the external issues, which affects STUDENTAL and Sainsbury’s. The questionnaire used for collecting information from customers is attached and results obtained will be presented in the form of pie charts and bar charts as appropriate. Questionnaire STUDENTAL Please tick one box for each question. 1. Your GenderMale Female 2. Age groupUnder 16 16 19 20 – 25 20 – 25 25 – 40 40 over 3. Where did you first hear about STUDENTAL? In store From friends Advertisements On TV 4. How would you describe the taste of your favourite energy drink? Bitter Sweet Bitter Sweet Bland 5. Which of the following drink do you buy? LucozadeRed bull Powerade Other 6. From where do you buy energy drinks? Supermarkets Sports shop Gym/fitness club Other 7. What price (per litre) do you think would be right for STUDENTAL? Under  £1.00 £1.00  £1.30  £1.30 –  £2.00 £3.00 and over 8. What price do you usually pay for these. Lucozade ______Coca-cola _______ Redbull ______ Boost _______ Don’t know _______ 9. What kind of drink do you think the STUDENTAL is? Energy drink Health Drink Social drinkChildren’s drink 10. If you bought STUDENTAL, would the packaging be important to you? YesNo 11. Does it matter if the packaging is recyclable? YesNo 12. How often do you drink energy drinks? DailyTwice a week Once a weekmonthly 13. When do you drink energy drink? MorningWith Lunch When Excising When working Thank you for filling out this questionnaire Sebil To get the data on customers, I have asked customers 13 questions. To make it more effective, I asked questions to a both Males and Females. I also made sure to ask the questions to a mixture of people from different age groups. 1. Firstly, the question was about surveyed people’s gender. I asked the questions to 25 people. It included 15 Males and 10 Females. This indicates that people from both gender groups have been engaged in this survey. The above charts shows that 40% of total participants were Females and 60% of them were Males. 2. The second question was about the surveyed people’s Age Group. There was a mixture of people from different age groups. However, a large percentage of people were from the 16-19 age group. I think this will help Sainsbury’s, as STUDENTAL’s direct target market is peoples from 16-19. The above chart represents the age group of the people who participated in the survey. 16% of total participants were under 16. There were 54% of people from 16-19 age group. 22% of total participants were between 20-35 age. 8% of them were above 40 years old. This indicates that a mixture of people from all age groups participated in this survey. This will definitely help Sainsbury’s in the case of market research. 3. I asked the people about STUDENTAL after the second question. I asked them, where did you first hear about STUDENTAL? This question was to check whether they know about the product already or not. 80% of surveyed people said that they heard about the product from their friends. 20% of them said, from store. 4. How would you the taste of your favourite energy drink? This question was to understand people’s favourite taste. From the chart above, we can we clearly see that about 30% of people like bitter taste, 40% of them like sweet, 20% of them like bitter and sweet and finally, 10% of them like bland taste. Sainsbury’s may make STUDENTAL’s taste bitter or sweet as from the chart we can understand that most of the people like sweet and bitter taste 5. Which of the following drink do you buy? This question asked to find out the popular brand among the public. In addition, when STUDENTAL will be launched that popular brand will be the main competitor with STUDENTAL. The chart above represents the participators’ favourite energy drink. 30% of total participants like Red Bull Energy Drinks while 40% of th`em said that they like Lucozade. 6. From where do you buy energy drinks? This question was asked to know the place from customers buy energy drinks. About half of the people are buying their energy drinks from supermarkets. This is a very good signal for Sainsbury’s as they are going to sell STUDNTAL at their stores. 7. What price (per litre) do you think would be right for STUDENTAL? This question was asked to find out how much money people would spend on STUDENTAL when it is available in supermarkets. 40% of total participants thinks that STUDENTAL’s price will well be right if it is under  £1.00. Another 40% thinks that the price will be right if it is between  £1.00 and  £1.30. This indicates that the current price of STUDENTAL is high and there will be only very few customers who are willing to buy STUDENTAL at a cost of  £13.9/litre. 8. What price do you usually pay for energy drinks? This question will help to find out the people’s buying behaviour. The above chart shows that how much money they are spending on energy drinks. 44% of them are spending  £1.00 to  £1.50 for energy drinks. 36% of them are only prepared to spend less than  £1.00. As the chart indicates, people are not willing to buy energy drinks for higher prices. Therefore, Sainsbury’s must have to adjust the price accordingly. 9. What kind of drink do you think the STUDENTAL is? The above chart shows the answers for the question, what kind of drink do you think the STUDENTAL is? Most of the people do not know that STUDENTAL is an energy drink. I think this is due to the name STUDENTAL. It does not have the power to represent an energy drink. 10. If you bought STUDENTAL, would the packaging be important to you? This was one of the important questions asked to the participants. 90% of them said that they do care about the packaging of STUDENTAL. 11. Does it matter if the packaging is recyclable? This was another important question included in the questionnaire. 70% of participants said that they do care about the packaging and they want it to be recyclable. 12. How often do you drink energy drinks? The above chart shows that 10% of total participants consume energy drinks daily, 30% of them consume it twice in a week, 40% of them consume it weekly and 20% of them consume energy drinks monthly.

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